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Dr. Lei Huang Professor of
Electronic & Information Engineering |
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Current Job Openings We are now seeking outstanding researchers to work in sensor array processing, statistical signal processing, machine learning, graphical signal processing and sparse signal processing with potential applications in radar, navigation and wireless communications. Appointment is for two years, which starts immediately. For qualification, a PhD degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or a related field is required. Strong publication record in recognized international journals is highly desirable. The salary is about 300,000RMB/year and the contract is for two years. To apply, please send your CV, including a list of publications and references, to me by email (lhuang@szu.edu.cn) . 深圳大学黄磊特聘教授课题组诚聘博士后 一、研究方向 (包括但不限于以下方向): 1. 阵列信号处理,参数估计与目标检测,MIMO雷达 2. 压缩感知,稀疏信号处理,大数据信号处理 3. 机器学习,深度学习,认知无线电 二、招聘岗位: 【博士后研究人员10名】 1.招聘条件: (1)具有较强的科研创新能力和团队协作精神; (2)具有良好的学术道德和严谨科学态度、身体健康、能胜任岗位的工作要求; (3)具有国内领先或国际影响的学术表现,在本学科领域重要期刊上发表多篇论文且有一定的学术影响. 2.岗位待遇 : 工资及福利待遇由以下四部分组成。 (1)按深圳市政府博士后资助规定,中期考核和出站考核合格后可向深圳市申请两期补助,每期12万元(税后); (2) 深圳大学提供每年9万元津贴,按月发放; (3) 每月发放2240元房补,发放24个月; (4) 合作导师每月发放2000元以上科研津贴。 总的来说,平均年薪约为30万,优秀出站者可留校任教(本研究所正在快速发展,留校工作机会很大)。 3. 应聘方式: 有兴趣者请提供详细个人简历,包括三篇代表作和推荐人信息。 三、联系人: 黄磊(Email: lhuang@szu.edu.cn (来函必复)) |
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If you have any comments or questions, please send them to lhuang@szu.edu.cn |